Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Book of Jornada: Chapter 12 Go The Full Monty of MS-DOS 6.22

After running DOS programs under PocketDOS for a couple of weeks, I decided to go the full monty by installing the complete MS-DOS 6.22 (plus the supplement disk) on my Jornada 720.

Here is a quick demonstration of how to get this done.

Part I: Preparation

Ready MS-DOS 6.22 disk images ➤ Launch PocketDOS ➤ Create a new harddisk (virtual HDD image) as C:

Part II. Installation 

Set up A: by supplying the DOS Disk 1 image ➤ Initiate setup ➤ Exit setup (press F3) ➤ Run fdisk  (and restart PocketDOS) ➤ Run format C: /s for the HDD image (and restart PocketDOS) ➤ Launch MS-DOS setup again ➤ Continue the previous setup ➤ Confirm country, keyboard layout, and installation directory ➤ Begin the installation procedure ➤ Supply the next disk image when prompted

Part III. Finetuning

Restart PocketDOS to boot the newly installed MS-DOS (need to set the boot priority to C:) ➤ Load the MS-DOS Supplemental Utilities Disk image ➤ Run setup ➤ Select and install the components ➤ Load PocketDOS Disk Utility image to A: ➤ Copy A:\DOS\*.* C:\DOS ➤ Copy A:\config.sys ➤ Copy A:\autoexec.bat ➤ Edit autoexec.bat to set the right PATH (A:\DOS becomes C:\DOS)

Why full installation? It contains a large arsenal of MS-DOS tools and programs (even QBasic and DOS Shell) that are absent from the vanilla FreeDOS.

Isn't it cool? 😎

See how much memory MS-DOS uses upon booting up:

Despite the quantum increment of computing power and memory space (640KB vs. 640GB), I simply don't think our productivity has been increased by this many times over these years.

MS-DOS rocks then, now, and tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. Hey, cool! Could Microsoft Works (dos version) be installed too?


Book of Jornada: Chapter 12 Go The Full Monty of MS-DOS 6.22

After running DOS programs under PocketDOS for a couple of weeks, I decided to go the full monty by installing the complete MS-DOS 6.22 (plu...