Friday, November 6, 2020

Book of Sigmarion II: Chapter 6 USB Mutation ... Completed!

Previously, in Book of Sigmarion II:

The Solo Champion managed to find his way through the challenge of replacing the FOMA port with a regular USB port on the Sigmarion II. However, his progress was blocked by missing DLLs for the USB devices. So instead of continuing to battle the beast, he turned around to seek out those keys to break the deadlock...

At last, after another couple of hours of research, the Champion finally retrieved the much needed DLL keys in the vast wasteland of lost websites:

The archive contained four DLL library files, namely: fsdmgr.dll, udfs.dll, usbdisk6.dll, usbmsc.dll

Having dropped these four DLLs into the system and USB-Clik ( installed, the Champion tried one more time to plug in a USB thumb drive. Same as before, the USB-Clik program immediately detected the insertion of the drive. This time, when the popup asked for the name of the driver for the USB device, the Champion roared "usbmsc", the name of the correct driver.

In the blink of an eye, the puzzle popup disappeared without a trace. The USB thumb drive was working! Firing up the file manager, an additional icon "usb disk" appeared. Clicking the new icon, the Champion was able to see everything on the USB drive. After a few rounds of testing reading and writing its content, it was clear that victory was secured.

But that's not the end of the quest yet. So far the connection was done hapzardly. In order to fit the wiring and the new USB connector inside the machine, a number of changes were necessary.

First, the Champion painted the pins on the USB connector in the four different colors corresponding to the colors of the wires, lest he should confuse the wiring and break the setup.

After that, the wires had to be cut much shorter and the original plastic plug had to be removed. 

The final move was of course to solder together the wires and the pins of the USB connector. 

Having tested the connection one more time, the Champion decided to fixate the USB connector on the motherboard with a small blob of hotglue. 

With the motherboard and the casings reassembled, the reborn Sigmarion II was powered back on. 

Total Commander managed the files on both the CF card and the USB drive perfectly smoothly.

Three major quests (repairing the broken hinge, recelling the nearly dead battery with new 3500mAh 18650 cells, replacing the FOMA port withe a USB port) have all been completed. 
My Sigmarion II has successfully evolved into (probably) the most unique form of its kind in this world! 

The very next quest will be to explore how to establish ActiveSync via USB connection. Once again, stingraze dropped me a very helpful clue:  

Another bonus mission: Design and 3D print a protection cover for the newly implanted USB port.

1 comment:

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