Saturday, November 7, 2020

Book of Sigmarion II: Chapter 7 USB Mutation Aftermaths: Custom Cover, Various Peripherals, ActiveSync

The success of implanting a USB port in my Sigmarion II came more quickly than I had expected. 

Ahead are three more quests to complete this USB adventure.

The three quests are summarized as follows:

I. The small quest: To design and 3D print a custom cover for the new USB port

II. The medium quest: To test different USB peripheral devices (keyboard, mouse, etc.) and their drivers with this port. 

III. The big quest: To unlock the secret of how to enable ActiveSync via USB using this new port.


The Champion knows, despite the obstacles and his ignorance, he must get started from somewhere. 

I. Creating a protection cover for the custom USB port

Step 1: Measure the dimenions of the protrudiung part of the USB connector = 6mm x 1.35mm x 8mm

Step 2: Draft the dimensions of the cover: 8mm x 14.2mm x 9mm

Step 3: Sketch the model in TinkerCAD

Step 4: Import the STL file to Cura

Step 5: Print out the model on my Creality Ender 3 Pro w/ 0.2mm extruder @ 0.08mm layer height.

Step 6: Fit test the 3D print to the custom made USB port.

Step 7: Job's done. May polish and paint it up when free. 😎

I'm loving the Sigmarion II more and more!

II. Using various USB peripherals

As far as I know, USB support for HPC2000 on Sigmarion II is more limited than that on its younger brother Sigmarion III (CE .Net 4.1) does have quite a wide range of native USB support, from USB thumb drive to keyboard and others. 

(to be continued...)

III. Establishing ActiveSync via USB connection

This is quite a challenging endeavor. My quest giver stingraze dropped me yet another link talking about how to get a RS232C to USB cable to work for ActiveSync: . A very enticing project indeed. However, it seems that kind of connection is done via the Sigmarion II's own serial port, not the FOMA (USB) port. Moreover, even though several USB drivers are in place, the Connection setting does not provide any option to choose USB as a connection method (only the default settings for serial and infrared are available). 

(to be continued...)


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