Friday, October 16, 2020

Book of Jornada: Chapter 6 HPC Notes Professional v4.3d - First Victory!!

Thanks for the help by hpc12, a new installer has been uploaded to hpcfactor.

He verified that the installation did work for the HPCs (on his mobilepro).

However, I still got the same error (missing the CAB installation step) when running the new installer.

I began to suspect that the issue had to do with my using WMDC (Windows Mobile Device Center) on my Windows 10 PC. In fact, ActiveSync errors began to pop up after the latest update two days ago. Oh, thank you and congratulations, Microsoft, you have scored yet another victory of killing your own software ... 

Then, the Solo Champion recalled the brief encounter with the Casio Cassiopeia Fiva MPC-103 in a dream. So he set out to seek this fabled lady warrior.

Opening the door to move out, the Solo Champion was surprised to see a familiar face. Guess who? It's Fiva herself!

She revealed to the Solo Champion that she had learned about the setback of Jornada 720. Recollecting the fond memory in the shared dream πŸ’–, Fiva offered to assist Jornada in his first quest after his Ultimate Rising Form Transformation.

Fiva: Power----up!!

Fiva: Count on me, Jornada! First I need to invoke my USB (1.1) port to achieve our bonding πŸ’•first.

The fabled lady warrior chanted the ancient spell of ActiveSync 3.8 set up script. 

It's Combine Time!

πŸ’•~~ (...")

Having plugged into her body, Fiva is now beginning to enter Jornada's spirit. 

πŸ’­πŸ’­πŸ’­ (whisper, whisper, whisper)

Now we are partners!

Jornada: Okay, let's fight together!

Remember the real quest here is to capture HPC Notes Professtion (v4.3d). Here they go.

This time the installation ran a bit differently than running on my Win10 PC with WMDC.

This is IT! This is IT! 

Target acquired. HPC Notes Professtional got transferred to Jornada. 

Mission accomplished. HPC Notes Professional v4.3d is installed successfully. Time to celebrate!

Meanwhile ...
Two issues to resolve:
(1) During the installation process, I couldn't see the stage where files can be chosen to be copied to the storage card instead of the system memory. Perhaps I need to run the installer again to see if I was missing something there.
(2) WMDC seems to work differently than the old ActiveSync and thankfully after the latest Windows Update more things get broken. I am going to research the possibility to get ActiveSync working again even under Win10.

To be continued.

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